Friday, 17 October 2008

Fortnightly Collections Lead To Fly Tipping

The foul crime of fly tipping has reached suburbia, official figures showed this week.
Illegal rubbish dumping of mainly household refuse is now found as much in leafy suburbs as in inner cities and run down estates.
The shift into the suburbs coincides with the introduction of fortnightly bin collections and strict wheelie bin legislation..
Six out of ten fly-tipping incidents involved household rubbish rather than industrial or business waste.
Evidence of such middle class fly tipping brought a new barrage of complaints against the compulsory recycling policies from the Opposition parties.
Local government spokesman, Eric Pickles, said, "Gordon Brown's new bin taxes look set to make it even worse, by giving perverse financial incentives to irresponsibly fly-tip".
Meantime, householders are not allowed to overfill bins so that heir lids are open, rubbish must not be put out in the wrong hours and no additional waste may be left out in bags beside the bins.
BinScents are powerless to stop the fly tipping, not to bring back weekly collections, but we can help in the fight against germs and foul odours with our uniquely designed wheelie bin fresheners.
A combination of natural fruit extract and tea tree oil mask unpleasant bin smells with a fresh, natural fragrance, whilst the tea tree oil deters insects and fights germs such as e-coli and salmonella.
Try some today from leading retailers such as Tesco, or direct from our website

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Now its Bin Wars!

The increasing number of fornightly collections have resulted in an increase in the number of assaults on Dustmen by angry householders.An increasing number of councils refuse to empty bins if strict regulations are not followed.Refuse Collectors have been abused verbally, physically attacked, driven into and even shot.Assaults are up by more than 20% in a year.Many householders find the systems confusing and also that, by the end of the fortnight, their bins are often overflowing and smelly, sometimes resulting in the binmen refusing to empty them.Figures show that front line Garbeologists have suffered 228 physical and verbal onslaughts in the past 12 months.While BinScents can't bring back weekly collections, our Wheelie Bin Fresheners can help in the fight against germs such as E-coli and Salmonella, as well as fending off insect larvae. All this whilst masking evil odours with natural fruit fragrances. Try BinScents today - visit our site to see our latest offers!

My Wheelie's bin Stolen!

A spate of wheelie bin thefts caused residents to wonder if they should contact the police.But when the thieves were caught out, they turned out to be council officers, on a special assignment to snoop in back gardens.Their mission was to find out who was using unauthorised rubbish bins.If they found any households harbouring more than one bin for non-recycling, they took the offending bins away without telling the householder.Hazel Wilson, 67, of Blackburn challenged two men when she found them lurking in an alley near her home."One was carrying a ladder and putting it up against back yard walls one by one and the other man was taking notes", she said."They had a lorry parked nearby, I thought what if an old lady had been doing her washing up and this man peered over the fence. It would give you an awful shock".Bin Campaigner Doretta Cocks, founder of the Campaign for Weekly Waste Collection, said, "It's just not on and I would call 999 if it happened to me".Blackburn, with Darwen Council says action is needed because householders who put out too much waste cost council tax payers £17,000 per year.The move is the latest draconian collection measure.BinScents Wheelie Bin Fresheners won't deter council snoopers, but they will deter other unwanted pests, such as e coli and salmonella from your bins and mask unpleasant odours with their real fruit fragrance at the same time!